Home Brewing Supplies Melbourne & Home Brewing Starter Kits

Brewing your own beer is an excellent way of saving money while enjoying a hobby. Home brewing has become more popular in recent years with increased availability of home brewing supplies Melbourne.

- Home brew kits are available with instructions on how to make 6 or 23 litres of beer

- You can also buy ingredients separately, where you choose the type of beer that you want to make…

If you're looking for home brewing supplies, you've come to the right place! A great selection of items are available for purchase at our website , including barley, malt extract and hops. We also have many pre-made starter kits which include most equipment needed for making your first batch.

For beginners who aren't sure what they actually need, there are several home brewing starter kits available. These kits contain many of the essentials needed to make an excellent brew and also tend to be quite economical considering how much equipment is included.


It's never been easier! Follow these simple steps: Step 1: Find your nearest home brew supplies outlet. Step 2: visit that store and purchase the ingredients you need to make your favourite beverage. Step 3: Get brewing!


Brewing supplies Melbourne
Brewing your own beer, cider, spirits or even non-alcoholic drinks such as Kefir, Kombucha and Ginger Beer is easy. Just visit your local home brew supply store in West Melbourne . They offer everything you need to get started including all the ingredients required for making a full batch of beer or smaller batches of different beers. Starting out with an affordable home brewing starter kit will help you learn the basics at an affordable price. Home brewers often split their time between drinking commercially available beers and wine and experimenting with new recipes at home using malt extract which is easy to use. Malt extract can be easily used by brewers who are just starting out thanks to strict quality control processes undertaken by home brew suppliers in Melbourne

Home Brewing Starter Kit
Some home brewing supplies are a bit more expensive than others, but not all of them. When you first start out a Home Brewing Starter Kit may be the best option.

The Home Brewing Starter Kits for beginners have nearly everything you need to make beer or wine at home except for bottles and caps. Many kits contain hopped malt extract, grains, yeast and other fermentables such as sugar. So it is not necessary to buy these items separately when starting out with home brew supplies .

The most popular starter kit is probably Micro Brewery Morgans Beer Craft
, which contains:

1 x 30 Litre Fermenter

1 x Hydrometer

1 x Stirring Spoon

1 x Bottling Valve

1 x 1.7 kg Ingredient Can (Yeast under cap)

1 x Body Blend

1 x Stick On Thermometer

30 x Re-usable 750ml PET Bottles and Caps

1 x Tap and Air Lock

1 x Morgan’s Sanitizer

1 x Sediment Reducer

1 x Carbonation Drops

Wallington’s WRG offers a great range of home brew kits including beer starter kits and wine starter kits for beginners or experts . They purchased online or at any good homebrewing store Australia wide .

The more things are added to Home Brewing Starter Kits, the pricier they become. However, each Home Brew Supplies Melbourne Starter Kit has its own advantages and disadvantages, which you should consider before buying one. Some people may prefer buying their home brew supplies Melbourne separately instead of in a kit, but this is something that is more of a personal choice.

Wallington’s WRG Beer Kit not only provides you with nearly everything you need to start making your first beer or wine on your own , but it also contains ingredients for around 10 litres of home brew! Many other starter kits do not contain anything close to this amount, so if you want to make lots of your favorite home brew this may be the best starter kit for you.

The Home Brewing Starter Kits are also great because they include many of the most important home brewing supplies Melbourne brewers use without having to buy them separately or just have everything thrown into one box together . All you have to do is pick out a good, cheap home brewing equipment , which can even save you some money!

Brewing Home Brewing Starter Kits are very popular because they provide you with basically all the home brew supplies Melbourne there are. The Home Brewing Supplies Melbourne started selling more than ever before another reason why so many people prefer using Wallington’s WRG Beer Kit is that it comes with virtually everything required to start making beer or wine at home except for bottles and caps . So if you haven't got a homebrewing store near your home these Home Brewing Supplies Melbourne Starter Kits may be the best option.

In addition, this is one of the most affordable beer making kits you can find on the market! This means that Wallington’s WRG Beer Kit will not only give you nearly everything you need to start brewing and fermenting your own beer at home , but it will also save you some money.

There are many other Home Brewing Starter Kits available for sale and depending on what home brew supplies Melbourne type of equipment and ingredients you prefer using this may or may not be right for your needs . Some people do not like paying so much money for a Home Brew Supplies Melbourne Starter Kit when they can just buy their home brewing supplies Melbourne separately, but others prefer using the Home Brewing Supplies get more info Melbourne Starter Kits because it not only contains all of your most important home brew supplies , it also eliminates the need to run around town looking for them.


It's easy to get started home brewing. If you have a wine or beer kit, follow the instructions included with your kit. If not, you'll need to gather all the things listed below. If you are just getting started drinking craft beer, home brewed beer is likely something you've never experienced before so begin by enjoying 2-3 commercial beers that are similar in style to what you'd like to make at home before beginning your first batch. This will help develop an idea of what you're aiming for when it comes time to brew your own batch(es).

What You Need To Make Beer At Home

Brew Pot - A large pot (at least 8 gallons) with capacity for 10-12 gallons of wort (unfermented beer).

Fermenting Vessel - A large plastic bucket or glass carboy with a tight-fitting lid. For beginners, I recommend starting with an 8 gallon food-grade plastic pail, which you can purchase at your home brew supply shop for about $45. This will be used to ferment your beer and store it after fermentation is complete. Fear not the plastic construction of this vessel as they are easily cleaned and sanitized prior to use so no smelly bacteria or yeast linger on the inside surfaces. Glass carboys may also be used but do require more work in cleaning & maintaining them if they are chipped or cracked during transport they could become razor sharp and dangerous (especially when slippery from use)…which may make you lose an eye or some other important body part. Glass is of course more aesthetically pleasing than plastic for many, but it's up to you what you feel most comfortable using. Airlock - Used during fermentation to allow carbon dioxide gas produced by the yeast to escape while not allowing air into the fermenting beer. They are filled with water or a special solution that doesn't allow bacteria or mold spores through them so your unfermented beer remains clean and free of contamination before adding yeast.

Bottles - When your home brewed beer has fermented completely, it'll need to be put in glass bottles for conditioning (aging) after which they can finally be opened & enjoyed! You have many options for this from re-using commercial 12 oz longnecks to some of the more popularly sold "growlers" and even 1 gallon jugs. No matter which you choose, it website is important that they are glass (not plastic), have no chips or cracks that could harbor bacteria and that they can be sealed airtight with a cap.

Capper - A hand-held device used to seal bottles after filling them with home brewed beer. Some cappers simply crimp caps onto the tops of bottles while others actually use a lever action to insert bottle caps into position on top of the mouth of the bottle…I personally recommend the latter type as they do not leave marks on your beer's lip like simple crimpers do and make for an easily sanitized tool (especially if kept wet during storage) so you may re-use them time and again without worrying about disease causing bacteria buildup.

Bottling Bucket - A large plastic pail (like a 5 gallon food grade plastic bucket with a spigot in the bottom) that will be used for transferring your home brewed beer from the fermenter into bottles once fermentation is complete. Most people typically transfer their home brewed beer into a bottling bucket after allowing their "fermentor" to sit undisturbed with all its gunk & yeast on the bottom at least overnight, but not longer than 2 days to make sure most of it has settled before moving it. You can also add some finings such as gelatin or Irish Moss to make for an even cleaner look when going into bottles & kegs.

Bottle Filler - A simple plastic or metal tube with a spring-loaded valve at one end and a stopper at the other used to fill your home brew beer into bottles without allowing too much foam (which will be produced as by product of fermentation) to erupt from them when filling, possibly making a mess and potentially wasting some good beer! They typically range in size and length so just pick one that is comfortable for you to use and store.

Bottles Brush - Used to clean out thoroughly before re-use. I've purchased brand new bottles before only to find they were completely coated with yeast…no doubt robbing me of some hard earned alcohol content if not properly cleaned before filling! It's important you have a brush small enough to fit into the neck of your bottles so you can scrub out all yeast residue before re-filling them.

Barbed Fitting - Used on new hoses that have threading on one end and barbs on the other to allow for quick & easy disconnection of hoses between brewing equipment. You will need one both ends of each hose you are using…one for connecting your racking cane or bottling wand to the spigot of your bottling bucket (or anything else) and another for attaching it to whatever you're siphoning from (such as carboy, fermenter).

Bottle Wand - A long rigid plastic tube with a spring-loaded valve at one end used primarily for filling your bottles. They are essentially just smaller, lighter alternatives to your bottling bucket's spigot and will usually clamp onto the side of whatever container you place them in so you can fill bottles without wearing yourself out or making a mess!

CO2 Cylinders - CO2 cylinders should be stored in a cool dry area away from any heat sources (excessive heat could cause them to explode)…obviously not near your home made alcohol either!!! The gas they contain is under very high pressure so it must only be used for its intended purpose which is carbonating or "shocking" yeast into dropping out of suspension during conditioning after fermentation has completed.

Gas Manifold - A click here contraption that allows for multiple CO2 cylinders to be hooked up & used together to force carbonate home brewed beer, wine or cider. Basically a metal or plastic contraption with valves at either end for each cylinder you want to hook up to it allowing the gas/liquid from each to be evenly split among them while regulated by one valve at its center.

Carboy - A large glass jug typically holding about 6 gallons of home brewed beer…that's quite a bit! It is called 6 gallon carboy , 4 gallon carboy , etc. because that is exactly how much liquid it will hold without taking into account the volume taken up by air in the headspace (the space between where liquid level stops and top begins) which can vary greatly depending on what type of fermentor you use.

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